Catch "What Would Your Money Say? with Swan Capital" Sundays at 1PM, when host Andrew McNair cuts through the jargon and misconceptions surrounding retirement. You'll get up-to-date on economic trends that could affect your retirement income strategy, options for optimizing your assets, some key missteps to avoid, effective ways to help you prepare for your ideal retirement and more. Andrew works to develop strategies designed to help reduce the anxiety traditionally related to retirement planning and works with select families to create Swan Plans, with a goal to help them "sleep well at night" in any economy. If you're in or nearing retirement, tune in to "What Would your Money Say?" Sundays at 1PM. Let Andrew guide you on the path toward your ideal retirement.
Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through AE Wealth Management, LLC (AEWM). AEWM and Swan Capital are not affiliated companies. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principle. 795249.