- The Jeff Poor Show - November 27 2023 - 6:03:42 pm 7346
- Sweet Home Cannabama 11-27-23 Jen talks w former Mobile Mayor Mike Dow of Oscity Labs - 12:00:44 am 2810
- Quin Hillyer - Getting Tough - Mobile Mornings - Tuesday 11-28-23 - 4:36:22 pm 2328
- State Senator Arthur Orr - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 11-28-23 - 4:37:33 pm 1040
- US Rep Robert Aderholt - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 11-28-23 - 4:38:42 pm 926

State Representative Shane Stringer - The Jeff Poor Show - November 27 2023 - 5:35:56 pm
FM Talk 1065
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- Jim Nagy talked about the Iron Bowl - Omaha - Mobile Mornings - Monday 11-27-23 - 3:32:28 pm 2464
- Sip and Chew with Mike & Stu 11.26.2023 Post-Thanksgiving wrap - 6:10:19 pm 2617
- Plain Gardening w/Bill Finch 11.26.2023 - 6:09:02 pm 5306
- (PSR) Prep Sports Report 11/25/2023 w/guests Jeffy Kelly and Ronnie Contrell - 4:10:07 pm 4900
- Tiger Talk Overtime - Iron Bowl Thanksgiving 2023 - 2:23:35 pm 2771