- ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 11-21-23 - 6:10:47 pm 1022
- Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 11-21-23 - 6:31:02 pm 7398
- Todd Stacy talked about AL District 2 and Voting Rights Act - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 11-21-23 - 7:55:33 pm 2464
- Veteran Month - West Point Cadets Robert Porter and Sam LaDuca and Michael Holland from Bryant Bank - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 11-21-23 - 7:55:37 pm 1260
- Veteran Month - John Kilpatrick With Veterans Recovery Resources talked about the Program and how they HELP VETERANS -Midday Mobile - Tuesday 11-21-23 - 8:37:08 pm 1060

Quin Hillyer - Israel and Hamas - Mobile Mornings - Tuesday 11-21-23 - 5:35:28 pm
FM Talk 1065
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- Sweet Home Cannabama 11-20-23 guest Andre Bend, Army vet and owner of Allure Event Center - 12:03:16 am 2810
- Jeff Poor Show - Monday 11-20-23 - 10:19:28 pm 7202
- Southeast Cannabis Company talked about the process of licensing in Alabama - Midday Mobile - Monday 11-20-23 - 8:14:15 pm 2616
- Time for a Check Up - Dr. Engeriser from AltaPoint Health - Xylazine Dangers - 7:58:19 pm 471
- Biden in the polls - John Sharpe from al.com talked about Gambeling - Midday Mobile - Monday 11-20-23 - 7:39:21 pm 2453