- Midday Mobile - Erica Thomas with 1819 News - December 13 2023 - 3:09:32 pm 2467
- FM Talk Fishing Report 12-14-23 - 4:17:10 pm 282
- River Front Changes - Dale Leicht from Lagniappe talked about City Counsil reviews Police Policies - Mobile Mornings - Thursday 12-14-23 - 5:56:22 pm 2270
- Fmr ALGOP Chair Terry Lathan - Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 12-14-23 - 5:56:56 pm 1068
- US Senator Tommy Tuberville - Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 12-14-23 - 5:57:20 pm 1156

Midday Mobile - Cameron Smith joins the show and Sean compares the Bidens to the Sopranos - December 13 2023 - 3:09:15 pm
FM Talk 1065
00:00Current time00:00
- Doggo_Delivery talked about his mission and hot to vote - Mobile Mornnings - Thursday 12-15-23 - 2:40:12 pm 485
- State Rep Danny Garrett - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 12-13-23 - 7:25:54 pm 1086
- Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 12-13-23 - 7:21:16 pm 7333
- US Rep Dale Strong - Jeff Poor Show - Wedneday 12-13-23 - 5:47:54 pm 1130
- Warehouse on Rangeline funding - Jeff Poor Border Bills and Walls - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 12-13-23 - 5:43:45 pm 2295