- Sweet Home Cannabama 4-1-24 Melissa Mullins and Gordon Tinsley of Boro Hemp - 2:08:04 am 2837
- Car Doctor Show 4-1-24 vape oil in the cabin filter, police car mileage, and other auto advice - 2:18:32 am 2668
- Quin Hillyer - Mobile Mornings - Tuesday 4-02-24 - 4:24:21 pm 2369
- Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 4-02-24 - 4:24:25 pm 1032
- Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 4-02-24 - 5:07:28 pm 7332
Jeff Poor Show - Monday 4-01-24 - 5:11:01 pm
FM Talk 1065
- U.S. Representative Jerry Carl - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 4-01-24 - 4:40:44 pm 1121
- Comparing Mobile bay and Baltimore bridge - Mobile Mornings - Monday 4-01-24 - 4:40:09 pm 2355
- Sip and Chew w/Mike & Stu 3.31.2024 Fish, Game and Gumbo - 5:18:53 pm 2611
- Jolene Roxbury Variety Hour - Saturday 3-30-24 - 10:00:00 pm 2687
- Southern Fairways Sports Radio Show Guest: Mitch McConnell - 4:21:52 pm 2791